Uninstall Magento Store Manager Connector

Uninstallation via Composer

To start module uninstallation, move to the store root directory and run the following console command:

php bin/magento module:uninstall Emagicone_Bridgeconnector

It removes Magento Store Manager Connector module and all related details.

Manual Uninstallation

1. Login to FTP server via any FTP client.

2. Open the store root directory and go to the app/code folder. Remove the folder "Emagicone" with bridge_connector installation.

Note: if you use Store Manager Connector for Magento versions 2.3 and above the Emagicone folder contains subfolders Core and Connector. You have to delete Emagicone folder with these sub-folders.

Delete Connector folders

3. Follow the path in the store root directory:

app/etc/ to open the file 'config.php'

and delete the lines:

Emagicone_Bridgeconnector => 1,
Emagicone_Core => 1
Emagicone_Connector => 1 from it.

Config file

4. Now launch Store Manager and open the Raw Table Editor section. In the search ribbon type "%setup_module%" and you will see all extensions you have installed.

Remove the "Emagicone_Bridgeconnector", "Emagicone_Connector", "Emagicone_Core" position with the [Delete] button in the top toolbar.

Delete rows from setup_module table

5. Search for the next table in the store database that is relevant to the installed module:

Delete records from core_config_data table

Delete the row with Store Manager Bridge Connector record. Use [Delete] in the top toolbar.

6. Delete the other tables from your store database related to the connector module in the current section. See an illustration below:

Copy SQL query for deleting tables

7. Paste the script to the Custom SQL tool and execute it:

Drop tables queries

8. Run Command Line Interface (CLI). Go to Magento root folder, then run the upgrade command: php bin/magento setup:upgrade

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding the module uninstallation, contact us and we will gladly help you.