Step-by-step instruction on how to connect to your Enterprise Commerce Cloud store in Store Manager

Step-by-step instruction on how to connect to your Enterprise Commerce Cloud store in Store Manager

Please be advised about the logic of the Cloud:

  • - Any changes to the website are made on a local workstation first, and only afterward are uploaded to the development site and deployed on the live site. There is no way to implement changes live.

  • - Ordinary users do not have access to the site files, however, in case of need, there is a possibility to contact Cloud support in order to be able to connect to the site via SFTP.

In the meantime, this connection has not yet been tested, however, there has to be a possibility to use the bridge connection type.

General instructions on how to set up Connector.

1. Please, check if the connector has been configured earlier and if so, proceed with the following steps for its proper uninstallation:

  • php bin/magento module:uninstall Emagicone_Bridgeconnector run this command to uninstall the Store Manager view composer;

  • check if the following folder is created on your server - app/code/Emagicone, if yes, remove it

  • in your app/etc/config.php file check if there are any records for the connector:

  • Emagicone_Bridgeconnector => 1, Emagicone_Core => 1, Emagicone_Connector => 1

  • if you have any - remove them all;

  • in your database, find the setup_module and remove Emagicone_Bridgeconnector, Emagicone_Connector, Emagicone_Core

  • in the core_config_data table, remove the %emagicone% records as well

  • remove all %bridgeconnector% tables

  • after that run the php bin/magento setup:upgrade to renew Magento

2. Connector has to be set up on the local workstation according to the standard instruction of the Magento Cloud itself:

To set up the connector via composer, please proceed with the following commands:

  • composer requires emagicone/module-connector - to download the connector file

  • php bin/magento module:enable Emagicone_Core - install Core of the connector

  • php bin/magento module:enable Emagicone_Connector - Connector installation

  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade - upgrade Magento

  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy - run this for production mode

3. Afterwards, changes are uploaded to the development site and the live site.

4. In order to configure Store Connection:

  • Check if our Connector module is displayed in your store admin (if not, please contact us for assistance)

  • Enable Store Manager Bridge Connector in your Magento store admin

  • Open the Store Manager, move to Preferences-> Connection Wizard and there, enter the URL of the website where the connector is displayed in the admin. Enter login and password and move forward to perform Get Data from Web process.

We can do all these steps for you if you provide us with the SSH and FTP access details